Thursday, February 20, 2014

Life insurance for kids

This has been on my mind a lot in the past day or so: Life insurance for children.

It's not something that anyone wants to think about, much less talk about, but let me explain why I have policies on my two young sons.

1) In the best of all possible worlds, my sons will live long, happy lives and have kids of their own who rely on them. If that's the case — and statistically, it probably will be — I've already started protecting the grandchildren who are 20 or 30 years in the future.

Plus, these are cash-value accounts, so I've started a nest egg for them. 

2) It protects their insurability. So we don't have to worry about whether my boys will be able to get life insurance, even if one finds out he has asthma, or diabetes, or any number of things that could make it harder for a person to get life insurance in the future.

3) This is the one that no one wants to think about, but it's the one that has everyone in the Ozarks holding their kids a little tighter this week.

If something happens to my boys, I will no longer be a functioning human being.

Even the thought of something — anything — happening to one of those two makes me want to curl up into the fetal position, preferably wrapped around both of them. 

Life insurance wouldn't bring them back.

But it would allow me to pay the bills while my family tries to figure out how to put our lives back together. It would allow me to pay for a funeral. It would allow me put the world on hold with one less thing to worry about.

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